The Chocolatiers Series

Pints of the Month: The Chocolatiers Series
Our rotating monthly menu treats you right. Every month, we release the most delicious and flavorful ice creams ever made.

Chocolate Almond Gold Bar
Bits of almond caramel chocolate bars tossed into salted vanilla ice cream, tied together by ribbons of buttery caramel and dark chocolate stracciatella.

Cake Batter Chocolate Fudge
Cake batter ice cream speckled with rainbow sprinkles and “frosted” with swirls of brown butter chocolate fudge.

Hazelnut Chocolate Cookies and Cream (v)
Housemade Oreo cookies stuffed with chocolate hazelnut filling churned into a chocolate barley milk with swirls of hazelnut chocolate fudge.

Milk Chocolate Fudge with Candied Macadamia Nut
Puffed rice ice cream, rippled with milk chocolate fudge, and clusters of candied macadamia nuts drenched in white chocolate and coconut.

Cocoa Nibs and Frangipane
Candied cocoa nibs gently folded into a light milk chocolate ice cream, finished with nuggets of toasted almond frangipane.

Matcha and Quinoa Truffles
Green tea matcha ice cream sprinkled with chocolate ganache and finished with slivers of puffed quinoa chocolate bark.

Blue Corn Chocolate with Chiltepin Caramel
Milk chocolate ice cream flecked with striking blue corn chocolate stracciatella, ribbons of chiltepin caramel, and pieces of chiltepin-spiced ganache.