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Krampus’ Mince Pie with Pecan Crust
Krampus’ Mince Pie with Pecan Crust

We Welcome All:
About our diversity & inclusion efforts

A Message from our Co-Founder:

“When I think of the most important value at Salt & Straw, it is Human Kindness. People are the source of our strength, and we always believe the best in them. We know we’re strongest when everyone can participate equitably in our communities. Our scoop shops and kitchens are safe spaces where everyone can be respected and able to put down their armor, come as they are, and feel welcomed.” ~ Kim Malek 

To read more about my personal journey and family as it relates to Black Lives Matters, please visit our blog HERE.

Our Areas of Focus

Creating a diverse workplace - including our board & leadership teams

Using purchasing power to support BIPOC & LGBTIQ+ owned businesses

Create job opportunities for people with barriers to employment

Use our platform to raise funds and amplify equal rights and education

Policies In Support of Our Efforts:

Sharing a few of our team member policies that are in support of our inclusive and safe-place efforts.

Anti-Harassment & Discrimination

Social Media